Scent Work is a fast growing sport which allows your dog to harness their innate sense of smell to detect odours.
Dogs possess up to 300 million olfactory receptors in their noses; for context, humans have about six million!
Scent Work takes a dog’s capability to locate odours and turns it into an exciting game. Once given the cue to search, your dog will start playing by looking for a specific odour.
We start teaching dogs how to search and indicate using a Kong for the scent, learning the fundamentals and a wide range of types of hides before moving onto gun oil, cloves and catnip.
Although it is solely the dog’s job to locate the odour, Scent Work is a team sport. As a handler, your role is important too. You’ll be the one who helps to build a reliable indication and reward when your dog has found the odor.
Scent work classes currently run on Sunday evenings:
Next Course starts: Sunday 23rd April 6.30-7.30pm (6 session block)
Ongoing sessions: Sundays 5.30-6.30pm
Hill View Livery, Spring Lane
LE65 1WU
United Kingdom